How you start your day usually determines if you
will be set up to win or set up to fail for that day. Before haters start to
hate, yes I realise events beyond our control can occur in the day that will
swing it one way or another but hey, why not get
your day started by setting yourself up for success. If you can get up feeling rested, take
care of your body first thing in the morning then you can head out for the day with
a positive outlook feeling good about yourself. Short of waking up to find out
you have won a division 1 lotto prize the night before, not much could beat
that, you have given yourself the best possible start to the day.
So here is what I have put together that will give
you a bulletproof morning, some of these are essential and must be done whilst
others are optional. Of course the optional ones will be the things that
supercharge your morning so should be done where possible.
Step 1: HYDRATE!
Step 2: HYDRATE!
Yep, I had to go all Fight Club on you there for a second. Lets assume you get 6 (bare minimum) to 8 (optimal) hours sleep a night, that is a long time in a day to go without any fluids. Keeping ourselves well hydrated is the most crucial thing we must do for our bodies as affects of even a 2% drop from optimal hydration causes:
- Increased Fatigue
- This includes a feeling of drowsiness or feeling low on energy
- Decrease in muscular strength and endurance
- Slower recovery from exercise
- Low blood pressure
- As blood plasma is mostly water, dehydration will thicken your blood and reduce the stroke volume of blood pumped around the body lowering blood pressure.
- This results in amongst other risk factors associated with low blood pressure, a decrease in the amount of nutrients that are transported around the body
- Impacts on Mental aptitude
- Impedes weight control
- Dehydration has been shown to increase appetite so you will be inclined to eat more
- Dehydration will cause the body to hold onto fat stores and prevent mobilisation of stored body fat for use as energy
Step 3: High protein breakfast
There are a ton of reasons why a protein-rich breakfast is the best way to kick-start your body into working for the day. Firstly, when we
eat protein the pancreas responds by releasing glucagon, a hormone that
promotes the mobilisation of fatty acids stored in adipose tissue (body fat). Your body uses fatty acids for energy when you do not have an excessive amounts of glucose in your blood from too many carbohydrates. A protein rich breakfast will also increase your
feeling of satiety and will keep you feeling fuller for longer. This is something that
does not happen when eating starchy carbs for breakfast such as toast or
cereals as the associated insulin spike from starch carbs at breakfast will
block your brains Leptin receptors. Leptin is a hormone released by adipose tissue and tells your brain that you have enough energy in your body, stop eating and go be active.
Numerous studies have been published that
show eating a breakfast high in protein and fat was far more beneficial
to health when compared to eating a high carbohydrate breakfast or skipping
breakfast all together. A study
published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
showed that a high protein breakfast had a better impact on appetite control,
satiety, hormone production, maintaining stable blood glucose levels and
reducing snacking on sugary substances later in the day than compared to a
breakfast based mainly on cereals and grains. This was supported by another
study published in the
Journal of the American College of Nutrition showing that a diet high in
protein and low in refined carbohydrates produced greater thermogenic effect on
the body which increases the basal metabolic rate, increased satiety after
meals and reduced overall caloric intake throughout the day.
The evidence supporting a high protein/high fat/low carbohydrate breakfast was further demonstrated by Sport Scientist Professor Tim Noakes when he conducted his Twin Noakes Study where a pair of twins with genetically high cholesterol where each given different diets where the total caloric intake was the same but the ratio's of macro-nutrients were different. The one who ate a diet based on conventional doctrine of high carbohydrate/moderate protein/low fat had put on body fat by the end of the study, became anaemic and suffered from allergies and exhaustion. The other twin who was on a low carb/high fat/high protein diet dropped to her optimal weight, had no allergies and overall felt better as well as having a better blood profile (including cholesterol, glucose, triglycerides and hormones) and had a greater feeling of well being by the end of the study when compared to her twin sister and her own baseline measurements.
The evidence supporting a high protein/high fat/low carbohydrate breakfast was further demonstrated by Sport Scientist Professor Tim Noakes when he conducted his Twin Noakes Study where a pair of twins with genetically high cholesterol where each given different diets where the total caloric intake was the same but the ratio's of macro-nutrients were different. The one who ate a diet based on conventional doctrine of high carbohydrate/moderate protein/low fat had put on body fat by the end of the study, became anaemic and suffered from allergies and exhaustion. The other twin who was on a low carb/high fat/high protein diet dropped to her optimal weight, had no allergies and overall felt better as well as having a better blood profile (including cholesterol, glucose, triglycerides and hormones) and had a greater feeling of well being by the end of the study when compared to her twin sister and her own baseline measurements.
I will add in here that if you exercise in the
morning before breakfast then it would be worth adding carbohydrates to your
morning meal to replenish muscle and liver glycogen stores, but still plenty of
protein and healthy fats. These should be good quality whole food carbohydrates
from vegetables, not grains or grain derivatives.
Step 4: Move!
Some people exercise in the morning and that is
awesome. Personally after being a swimmer for many of my teens, having to
get up at 0430 to go jump in a swimming pool, the idea of training early
morning is now the furthest thing from my mind. However, we should move!
Consider you have been laying still for 6-8 hours while sleeping, you are then most likely going to go sit at a desk or in a car for how many hours. This just adds to the shortening of hip flexors and hamstrings, tightening of hip capsules and stiffening the back. So you need to move in the morning!
Consider you have been laying still for 6-8 hours while sleeping, you are then most likely going to go sit at a desk or in a car for how many hours. This just adds to the shortening of hip flexors and hamstrings, tightening of hip capsules and stiffening the back. So you need to move in the morning!
Do some yoga or gentle stretching, maybe some pilates, or take the dog out for a walk. I am very lucky to have a job where I get to move most of the day however I still like to start my morning off right by drinking coffee in a full squat.
That is right, I will make a cup of Bulletproof
Coffee, hit the bottom of my squat position and not get up till I have finished
that cup. Yeah the first minute or two is kind of tight and uncomfortable but
by around the 5 minute mark I am pretty comfortable and at 10 minutes I have
found good posture that sets me up for the rest of the day. As my friend and
mentor Tracey Cooper, owner of West Coast CrossFit and Level 1 Seminar Staff member says;
"Everyone should squat well and squat
daily. If you are having a bad day then squat. If you are having a good day
then squat, it does not matter what is going on, you need to squat every
Step 5: Bullet Proof Coffee

Fat is a crucial nutrient and according to many top
nutritionists should account for a minimum of 30% of total caloric intake (read the article). Of that 30% it should be
an equal mix of
saturated, mono and polyunsaturated fat. Trans fats should be avoided like the plague they are! I am a
strong believer in eating fat as nature intended so lots of animal fat from
healthy animals (grass fed and free range), or where a chemical free cold
process can produce the fat (olive oil, coconut oil, coconut milk etc), or no
process at all (avocado, nuts etc). This means that for me, seed or vegetable
oils (except olive as per rule above) should also be completely avoided.
Many vitamins needed for a healthy body are fat soluble, meaning there needs to be fat in the diet in order for the body to take up the vitamins. Research demonstrates the importance of fat as it is used for cellular repair including internal organs and the brain. So without fat in the diet we are robbing all cells in the body of the building blocks for growth, repair and proper functionality. Think about it, 9 calories per gram of fat (compared to protein and carbs at only 4 calories per gram), making it a rich and abundant source of energy! Nature is pretty clever; she would not have engineered a food that dense in energy if it were not supposed to be used as such.
And before haters come out with the old tag line of "high saturated fat increases risk of heart disease", please go and read the methodology of Ancel Keys' Lipid Hypothesis and realise that his theory, which has been doctrine for nearly 60 years is flawed in its research analysis. Further to this a resent meta-analysis study showed that there is no significant evidence linking high intake of saturated fat to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease or associated symptoms.
Many vitamins needed for a healthy body are fat soluble, meaning there needs to be fat in the diet in order for the body to take up the vitamins. Research demonstrates the importance of fat as it is used for cellular repair including internal organs and the brain. So without fat in the diet we are robbing all cells in the body of the building blocks for growth, repair and proper functionality. Think about it, 9 calories per gram of fat (compared to protein and carbs at only 4 calories per gram), making it a rich and abundant source of energy! Nature is pretty clever; she would not have engineered a food that dense in energy if it were not supposed to be used as such.
And before haters come out with the old tag line of "high saturated fat increases risk of heart disease", please go and read the methodology of Ancel Keys' Lipid Hypothesis and realise that his theory, which has been doctrine for nearly 60 years is flawed in its research analysis. Further to this a resent meta-analysis study showed that there is no significant evidence linking high intake of saturated fat to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease or associated symptoms.
I am going to keep the discussion of how the body
processes carbohydrates and why fat should be the preferred fuel source for the for another day. But long story short Bulletproof Coffee is loaded with Medium
Chain Triglycerides from the MCT oil which the body will burn like a
carbohydrate without the insulin spike and at the same time will train the body
into becoming more efficient at using fats for energy. Additionally there is
a ton of health benefits from using
organic butter from grass fed cows, including anti-inflammatory properties,
tons of essential vitamins and omega 3 fats.
My personal experience from having Bulletproof Coffee every morning for the last few weeks has been better appetite control throughout the day, I am more mentally alert and have better mood throughout the day, I feel stronger, I am recovering from workouts faster and sleeping better. Friends and clients who have also started adding a cup every morning have had similar experiences to me. Try it for yourself!
My personal experience from having Bulletproof Coffee every morning for the last few weeks has been better appetite control throughout the day, I am more mentally alert and have better mood throughout the day, I feel stronger, I am recovering from workouts faster and sleeping better. Friends and clients who have also started adding a cup every morning have had similar experiences to me. Try it for yourself!